Friday, July 31, 2020

so... Covid

I don't really feel trapped. I feel like we are all starting over. We will figure it out. I get that from my grandmother, and saying that makes me smile. My Grandma started over again and again and at 91 she had to put her second husband, bedridden for almost a decade, in permanent care and start over. She knew about starting over. She was cheerful and accepting of the new normal, pitched in and made another new life, no complaints. She'd been through both wars, a depression or two and knew how to stretch a dollar, food, clothing, make things do, last and jump through hoops. When we would drop in she always served us something put by from the garden she always grew, right up to Grandpa going into care. She was amazing to me, but of her time she was just an average Jane living an average life and she saw no great feats in it all. I saw the greatness.

Betty Crocker's Bread Pudding (cuz I'm the 3rd generation with the cookbook! :) ) I do however temper the eggs and mix all the ingredient together before I add the bread cubes and I add currants I've plumped in hot liquid instead of raisins. I have used some crazy different bread! Rye is delicious but I like to use brown sugar.